Bullying Prevention
PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports - All School Year
PBIS is a preventative, data-driven and culturally responsive framework for proactively teaching all students school-wide behaviors and expectations.
School counselors work with students to address bullying behavior and bullying. We encourage positive behavior, provide peer mediation and individual counseling as needed. Our PBIS matrix is Panther Pride:
October is National Bullying Prevention Month Activities that occur during this time are:
#NOONEEATSALONE - We encourage students this month to include others with them at lunch. If they see a student sitting alone, ask the student to join them.
Bullying Prevention Spirit Week: October 17th - 21st
Monday, October 17th - TEAM DAY - Wear your favorite jersey or team t-shirt to show you are part of the anti-bullying team!
Tuesday, October 18th - UNITY DAY - wear orange to show we are against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion!
Wednesday, October 19th - Student Holiday - Surprise someone with an act of kindness!
Thursday, October 20th - TWIN DAY - Pair up with a friend and dress alike to show we are working together to end bullying!
Friday, October 21st - PANTHER PRIDE DAY - Wear a QLMS shirt or school colors to show we are committed to creating a school without bullying.
Upstander/Anti-Bullying Chat
The school counselors will be visiting every PE class to review information about bullying and ways to be an upstander. School counselors will have grade level chats with MSAM students at another scheduled time.
Anti-Bullying Chain
In PE classes students can share how they will be an Upstander on a piece of our Anti-bullying chain which will be hung in the school as a visual reminder to be an Upstander.